Kamis, 28 Oktober 2021

Eka Tjipta Widjaja, Simple Trillionaire Only Elementary School Graduate

Dua Bahasa : Indonesia dan Inggris 

Eka Tjipta Widjaja, Simple Trillionaire Only Elementary School Graduate

 Filled with millions of problems in a dark past, he rises, climbs and endures the pain of the relentless struggle of life, keeps the spirit towards the peak of success, listen to his struggles Only elementary school graduates, this one successful figure deserves to be an example of success. 

His name is Eka Tjipta Widjaja, even though he has passed away at the age of 97 years, we need to imitate the mailstone or track of his struggle for success. 

Before becoming a successful businessman, he used to sell candy at that time. Eka Tjipta Widjaja is known as the founder of the Sinarmas Group of companies. The company operates in various sectors, from Agribusiness, Finance, Food, Infrastructure, Telecommunications, and Energy to Health and Education. 

We can't believe the background is very difficult and gloomy, but at the age of 60 years and over experiencing a very bright time. The history of Sinarmas is inseparable from the story of the ups and downs of Eka Tjipita Widjaja in building his business. 

He was born into a very poor family. Migrated from China to Makassar in 1932 with the provision of 150 dollars owed to moneylenders. 

This is Eka's life struggle, which is full of twists and turns and difficulties in life, but they never give up. Since childhood he was forced to quit school in order to pay off the family debt. 

Starting from selling candy, biscuits, selling coffee to selling copra. While his business was growing he was put to the test when his wares were looted by the Permesta rebels. He is benched. After a while he got back up. 

Notice how God put Eka in a very difficult condition, 1000 times more difficult than our current condition, but his winning mentality always struggles through all the difficulties and challenges of the times. 

Even though he only graduated from elementary school, it didn't stop him from starting a business. Try to compare it with your certificate, who is lower? This should be our whip that a school certificate is not a guarantee to achieve success.

 He returned to selling candy to sugar. He collects the proceeds from selling it for capital to open a new business. Eka Tjipta Widjaja then bought an oil palm plantation in Riau and founded the Sinarmas company. From here, his business continued to grow. 

This is Eka's bright spot towards the top. He expanded his business to the banking, paper, and property sectors through the Sinarmas Group flag. Now the Sinarmas group is known as one of the largest companies in Indonesia with businesses that operate in various sectors. 

 Eka Tjipta Widjaja himself is now known as one of the richest businessmen in Indonesia. Every year, he subscribes to the list of the richest people in Indonesia. In 2018, Globe Asia Magazine estimated Eka Tjipta Widjaja's wealth at around 195.7 trillion Rupiah.


Versi Indonesia 

Eka Tjipta Widjaja, Trilyuner Sederhana Cuma Lulusan SD

Kenyang dengan jutaan masalah di masa lalu yang kelam, ia bangkit, mendaki dan menahan sakit perjuangan hdiup yang tak kenal lelah, tetap semangat menuju puncak sukses, simak perjuangannya

Hanya lulusan SD, tokoh sukses yang satu ini layak jadi contoh sukses. Namanya Eka Tjipta Widjaja, kendati sudah tutup usia di usianya yang ke 97 tahun, namun mailstone atau track perjuanganb menuju suksesnya perlu kita tiru.

Manfaat internet tidak pernah ia rasakan namun penghasilannya sangat mengagumkan, berbeda dengan kita yang hidup di jaman milenial, semua serba online dan mudah. Namun tokoh sukses kita yang satu ini selalu berjuang dalam keterbatasan di jaman sulit itu. 

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Sebelum sukses menjadi seorang pengusaha terkaya, ia pernah berjualan permen di masa itu. Eka Tjipta Widjaja dikenal sebagai pendiri perusahaan Grup Sinarmas. Perusahaan ini bergerak di berbagai sektor, mulai dari Agribisnis, Keuangan, Makanan, Infrastruktur, Telekomunikasi, dan Energi hingga Kesehatan dan Pendidikan. Kita tak percaya melihat latar belakangnya yang sangat sulit dan suram, namun di usia 60 tahun keatas mengalami masa yang sangat cemerlang.

Sejarah Sinarmas tidak terlepas dari kisah jatuh bangun EkaTjipta Widjaja dalam membangun bisnisnya tersebut. Ia lahir dari keluarga amat miskin. Merantau dari China ke Makassar pada tahun 1932 dengan bekal 150 dollar hasil berhutang ke rentenir. Inilah perjuangan hidup Eka yang penuh lika liku kesulitan hidup, namun mereka pantang menyerah.


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Jika dulu ada asurnasi jiwa, mungkin Eka sudah memfokuskan ke industri itu namun sayangnya dunia asuransi masih belum sebagus sekarang hingga dia fokus pada perdagangan yang lain. 

Sejak kecil ia terpaksa berhenti sekolah demi membayar utang keluarga. Mulai dari berjualan permen, biskuit, berjualan kopi hingga berjualan kopra dilakoninya. Ketika usahannya sedang tumbuh ia diuji ketika dagangannya dijarah oleh pemberontak Permesta. Ia bangkut. Tak lama kemudian ia bangkit kembali.

Perhatikan bagaimana Tuhan menempatkan Eka di kondisi yang sangat sulit, 1000 kali lebih seulit dari kondisi kita saat ini, namun mental juaranya selalu berjuang melewati semua kesulitan dan tantangan jaman.


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Walaupun hanya lulusan SD tak menyurutkan niatnya untuk usaha. Coba bandingkan dengan ijasah Anda, lebi rendah siapa? Ini harus jadi cambuk kita bahwa ijasah sekolah bukan jaminan untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Ia kembali berjualan permen hingga gula. Hasil berjualan ia kumpulkan untuk modal membuka usaha baru.

Eka Tjipta Widjaja kemudian membeli perkebunan kelapa sawit di Riau dan mendirikan perusahaan Sinarmas. Dari sinilah usahanya terus berkembang. Ini titik terang Eka menuju puncak.  

Ia memperluas usahanya ke sektor perbankan, kertas, hingga properti melalui bendera Sinarmas Grup. Kini grup Sinarmas dikenal sebagai salah satu perusahaan terbesar di Indonesia dengan usaha yang menggurita di berbagai sektor.


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Eka Tjipta Widjaja sendiri kini dikenal sebagai salah satu pengusaha terkaya di Indonesia. Setiap tahun, ia langganan masuk dalam jajaran daftar orang terkaya di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2018, Majalah Globe Asia menaksir kekayaan Eka Tjipta Widjaja sekitar 195.7 triliun Rupiah.

 Ref : https://id.wikipedia.org dan biografiku.com



Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

Abraham Samad, Sukses Jadi Ketua KPK

Biography Abraham Samad - Chairman of the Commission. 

KPK is an anti-corruption agency of the most hated by the "Rat-Rat tie" in Indonesia. Its chairman is Dr. Abraham Samad, SH, MH Born on November 27, 1967, in Makassar, Abraham Samad sekrang served as Chairman of the Commission (KPK) in Indonesia for the period 2011 to 2015. As a child, Abraham Samad grew in the care of his mother.


As a child who left his father since childhood, Abraham did become very emotionally with the mother. This relationship is so strong. Even for Abraham, the figure of her mother, who has always been a pillar in the demanding life. After completing primary education, Abraham Samad then went to Junior High School (SMP) National, Makassar, 1980. 


At school this, Abraham growing in a very critical person. This critical attitude is then reflected from its very uncomfortable against the injustice he encountered. This is the moment in which Abraham began to shape his character that knows no compromise on what he regarded as an aberration.  


This personal then continues its growth and gain space when he entered high school (SMA) Catholic paradise, Makassar, in 1983. At that time Abraham was somewhat popular among his friends. Critical and rebellious soul is often explode inside her, making Abraham is often getting into fights among students (brawl), simply because of a desire to defend his friends. This solidarity attitude made Abraham to be a place to complain that his friends are in trouble. 


After completing his studies in high school (high school) in 1987, Abraham then continued his studies at the college. The choice is then only one, Faculty of Law as it becomes desire since childhood. Abraham was registered in the Faculty of Law of the University of Hasanuddin and accepted there. Entering the campus, to Abraham as finding a place to express themselves.

Andrew Dervish - Kaskus Founder

Who does not know KASKUS? Founder's name is Andrew Dervish, born July 20, 1979 in Jakarta. Kaskus now has more than 3 million members and even growing a lot. 


Andrew's success is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, full kelelaha, punch and tear. When building this Kaskus.
Andrew now serves as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) PT Darta Media Indonesia (Kaskus) and owner (owner) Kaskus Network through PT Darta Media Indonesia. Not a carbide position because he started from the beginning until now. 


Andrew began his education at the elementary Tarakanita Pluit Jakarta, then continued his education at the junior Tarakanita Pluit Jakarta, after graduating from junior high school and then Andrew chose to continue Gandhi National School, '98 Ancol Jakarta, after graduating and then Andrew melajutkan his studies at Bina Nusantara University in 1998 majoring in Information Systems After studying at Inktomi, Andrew search for other universities 'support' new hobby. 


He difficulty finding a suitable university in Indonesia, because at that time multimedia livelihood has not become public land in Indonesia. But eventually he found through the information a friend who had just returned from America. A university named Seattle University judged to facilitate his desire to explore the world of web programming. It was a bright spot in his life Andrew. At first, both parents Andrew disagree with his wishes.


 They assume lecture will someday too spend money, not to mention the cost of living there. But after urged by Andrew, eventually they yield well, provided the cost of living during college in America to bear alone. Andrew afford it.

Then he chose to continue his studies abroad at the Art Institute of Seattle, 1999 - 2003 Department of Multimedia & Web Design, after which he continued his master at the same university department Master of Computer Science, Seattle University, 2004 - 2006 Andrew founded Kaskus on 6 November 1999. 

Starting from his experience while studying at one of the leading universities in the land of Uncle Sam, Seattle University, Department of Multimedia & web Design, Art Institute of Seattle Computer science in 1999, the man who called Andrew was inspired to create a website community forum which can be said to be the biggest in Indonesia. 

"At that time I was assigned by the faculty to create a program of free software, from there began to emerge the idea to create a website with Kaskus name." Andrew said that working in the company lyrics.com college in America.

Let us learn from Andrew, despite many challenges of his family, he was still ahead, because it believes his dream come true. This is one of the characteristics of successful people, believe in their own dreams and keep going when everyone did not see any future. 


Senin, 08 September 2014


Rangga Umara memutuskan berhenti bekerja di kantornya di perusahaan properti Jakarta saat kebutuhan hidupnya mulai meninggi. Gaji di perusahaan properti waktu itu tiga koma. Maksudnya, setelah tanggal tiga, kantong sudah koma. Menurut dia, karyawan apapun tidak menjadikan seseorang kaya. Jadi, memiliki usaha sendiri merupakan satu-satunya jalan untuk menjadi kaya.

Ia lalu pindah haluan. Karena terbawa oleh hobinya yang doyan makan, Rangga mendirikan warung pecel lele. Pecel lele makanan khas Indonesia, mudah dijumpai, namun belum banyak yang berani tampil beda. Selama ini kebanyakan warung lele tampilannya begitu-begitu saja.

Pada 2007, Rangga membuka usaha pecel lele pertamanya di daerah Pondok Kelapa, Jakarta Timur. Modalnya didapat dari hasil menjual jam tangan, handphone, parfum, dan alat penggetar perut yang ada di rumah. Totalnya Rp 3 juta. Ia lantas menggandeng temannya yang pintar meracik bumbu.

Gerai pertamanya menempati bangunan berukuran 2×3 meter. Namanya Lele Lela. Kata ‘lela’ adalah akronim dari ‘lebih laku atau lebih laris’. Rangga punya konsep untuk mewujudkan nama itu. Tempat harus nyaman, orang datang tak sekadar makan, tapi juga menikmati suasana.

Usaha warung lele itu tidak serta merta berkembang. Pada rentang 2007-2008 Rangga mengalami periode yang berat. Ia terlilit utang kepada rentenir. Keuntungannya habis untuk membayar sewa. Enam cabang pertamanya harus ditutup. Keuangan keluarganya makin minus sampai-sampai Rangga bersama istrinya, Siti Umairah, serta anak mereka diusir keluar dari kontrakan karena tidak mampu membayar lagi.

Meski begitu Rangga tetap konsisten. Olehan lele dikembangkannya disertai standar operasi pelayanan yang dibuat unik. Misalnya, setiap pengunjung Lele Lela disambut dengan ucapan ‘selamat pagi’ dalam intonasi yang bersemangat. Setiap pengunjung yang meninggalkan gerai pun mendapat ucapan ‘terima kasih, selamat datang kembali!’

Sekarang, pria kelahiran 1979 itu mempunyai 42 cabang Lele Lela se-Indonesia dengan omset Rp 4,8 milyar per bulan. Mereka menyediakan makan gratis bagi yang sedang berulang tahun dan bagi pengunjung yang bernama Lela.

Kesuksesan Rangga rupanya bermula ketika ia menuliskan obsesi, ambisi, dan impian yang ingin diraihnya dalam sebuah buku yang ia sebut dream book. Tidak hanya menuliskan keinginan, Rangga juga menuliskan usaha untuk mencapainya serta target keuntungan. Lewat dream book itu Rangga mengumpulkan semangat dan menarik energi positif agar impiannya tercapai.

Kini, ayah dua anak tersebut sedang berupaya mewujudkan impian lain, yakni membuka cabang Lele Lela di Mekah.